What is the best currency to take to Hong Kong?
I am planning to travel to Hong Kong and I want to know which currency would be the most convenient to carry for my trip. Should I take US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, or some other currency?

What is the best currency to store money in?
I'm wondering which currency would be the most advantageous for me to keep my savings in. I want to know which one offers the best value stability and growth potential.

What is the best currency to use in Croatia?
I'm planning to visit Croatia soon and I'm wondering about the currency situation there. Which currency should I use for my transactions? Is it better to use the local currency or are other currencies also accepted there?

What is the best currency to use in Dubrovnik?
I'm planning a trip to Dubrovnik and I'm wondering what the best currency to use there is. Should I use the local currency, the Euro, or perhaps another one? I want to make sure I can easily pay for things like accommodations, food, and activities during my stay.

What is the best currency to take to Ecuador?
I am planning a trip to Ecuador and want to know which currency would be the most convenient to carry for my travels there. Should I take US dollars, Euros, or the local currency of Ecuador?